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Music making-sweetness

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17 Nov
Nayang Academy Of Fine Arts

craves -;
♥ name change
♥ goodbye to panda eyes
♥ Piano Black Polaroid ;
♥ Gain weight 10-15kg;
♥ BlackBerry Bold
♥ freedom
A car;
granny and mummy's good health & happiness;
♥ learn piano;
♥ death ♥

loves -;

♥ OZWorld
♥ 爱情小说
♥ myself not

BlackBook [game]

Blog Archives

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Please do not remove credits.
Designer l Fanny
Basecodes 1 l Piinklifiedd
Basecodes 2 l InDreamsMaybe
codes 1 l Ms.SockPuppet
codes 2 l Little-Miss-Wendy
Materials 1 l cyworld
Materials 2 l Angelicreations

Thursday, December 1, 2011 | 6:43 AM

hot; sexy; enchanting; alluring; fantasy; 
I'm so in love . I even spot those soft fluffy feathers  !

woah! It's so amazing.. to watch not just the girls but the creativity.. even the commercials are so http://www.emocutez.com

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

011211 ` Happy December !
| 12:05 AM

This seems like a busy December to me.. 虽然我和他分手了,但心却很平静。还是会不习惯没有他在身边的感觉,但..我会慢慢适应。

Have been couping at home this holidays.. prolly most of the time..

Just for an update, my most recent pic.. taken on my bdae with joy joy! 😍

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

021111 `
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 | 9:16 PM

Apologies for the sudden MIA ♥ Here you go! 

My new adopted kitty.. my parents & maid found this poor stay kitten out on a rainy day, all starved.. almost got knocked down by car so they brought her home and decided to keep her until she grown bigger. Been keeping her for a month plus already I guess,, she's just too hyperactive! Highly dangerous too! She jumps on my table, curious at almost everything, even tried to stick her paws and claws into the fan prolly because they fan was switched on and it got her interest as long as anything is moving. Oh right, not to forget she loves feets and hands too. She loves clawing too, and it HURTS!

went to school today only to find out that I was given a wrong timetable for my ISP module.. wasted a trip to school and missed 2 lessons yesterday! http://www.emocutez.com

Recently, had a little misunderstanding with dardar. Got really disappointed.. though the misunderstanding was cleared but my thoughts did not change, Yesterday, some stuffs cropped up in game for dardar.. he also 'bombed' his equipment in game.. this resulted in his sudden decision to quit online games. I was disappointed and upset again. 我又一个人了。我讨厌那种失落的感觉。不过,我会尊重他的选择。

I don't know what happened to dardar. Sighs.. 他好像很缺钱。而且缺得很厉害。But he doesn't tell me why, even when I asked. http://www.emocutez.com 

Unhappy.. I don't like this November.. I used to anticipate November, but not this time round.. seems like a bad month for me, sigh .. 

He just doesn't seem to understand. 我要的很简单。

啊!对了!I've just rebonded my hair not long ago at Essensuals Bugis by the director Bryan. Quite a good job IMO. http://www.emocutez.com Though becuase of my length, it's pricey.. but I really liked it. Have yet to take a photo of it though. Stay tuned! http://www.emocutez.com

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

111011 ` down.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 | 12:16 PM

我,生病了。还蛮严重的。High fever for 3 days, 39.7 on the first, 39.3 on the second and 39.2 today.. 好痛苦哦!好希望能赶快好起来!这样就能吃好多东西啰!这几天我没吃什么,都受到能看到骨头了!好恐怖呀!一定要吃回来!

今天终于去看医生啦!医生说是throat infection.. 而且还蛮严重的。需要回去复诊。呜呜!http://www.emocutez.com

也许是这几天都没什么进食,没胃口…所以刚才一直想吐。吃了药过后就想吐。妈妈弄了食物给我,没料到我吃了一两口就吐出来了。不过,吐过就好多了,还是有吃完饭啦!唉~ 不知道要什么时候才能康复贝!

这几天在家里的我,除了睡还是睡,闷死了!不过也没力气去哪儿,就觉得很冷!http://www.emocutez.com 我还担心发高烧把我的脑子给烧坏了。

Something's wrong with my iMac too, itunes down.. keeps popping up this 'ipodservice module (32 bit) error'.. despite my countless tries to fix it.. even following solutions online, to no avail ! And my Internet Explorer just gone haywire.. can't open IE now.. sigh... can't remove or whatsoever.. so i cant reinstall.. sigh, guess I can only reformat now.. it all happened when my iMac suddenly just black-out and restarted itself. Whew, thanks man! http://www.emocutez.com

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

071011 ` nightmare.
Thursday, October 6, 2011 | 10:16 PM

http://www.emocutez.com 今天的我,会是这样地!我做了个噩梦…很恐怖的噩梦!想也没想过,我竟然会梦到,我得装死,躺在棺材里!而且是我信任的人要我这么做的,不知道发生了什么大事!我躺进那窄小的棺材里,要摆出坐住而且双手还得放在一起,好像在祈祷的样子。当他们要关上棺木时,我阻止了他们…因为没办法呼吸!结果,他们说没办法,要我忍一忍。本来因该市摆放在家里的吧。不过不像我现在的家,看起来很大,很宽敞。在途中,要送我去不知道是火化还是怎样,在棺材里的我却知道我是在做梦,不知不觉醒了。不过在盖上棺木前,有一个叔叔说,火化还是送进去的时候会有一个阿姨把我放出来。 唉,好像在拍电视剧耶!太荒谬了吧!因为很真实,所以我担心会实现。我做的梦如果真实,通常在很久之后会实现。 搞得我现在很郁闷!



唉哟~不知怎么了…好晕哦!http://www.emocutez.com 而且好像很累。不知道是不是因为生病了。http://www.emocutez.com 咳…昨天,苹果公司的Steve Jobs过世了!是天大的震撼和悲剧啊!他是个奇才,大家都公认的。他的实力每个人都能见证,全球人民知道了这个消息也很沮丧啊。希望他能一路好走吧。

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

051011 ` 사랑해요!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 | 6:58 AM

사랑해요! = " I Love You"

Finish watching 《原来是美男啊》.. Found the OST from the drama.. http://www.emocutez.com 如果看了这一部偶像剧,也许就会明白为什么我迷上它了。真的,好浪漫哦!我,好喜欢好喜欢这些歌!

《原來是美男ost》ftisland 李洪基- 依然



미남이시네요 Anjell You're Beautiful 原来是美男啊 Mv

You're Beautiful - 04. Lovely Day (park Shinhye)

You're Beautiful Ost  - What Should I Do (my favourite song; beautiful lyrics there.)

Aish! Finally done with the songs. New playlist loh! HOHOHO!

Sigh.. http://www.emocutez.com 被妈妈骂到臭头。因为我忘了关火。好才没爆炸。整锅汤就这样没了。而且干掉。妈妈说,如果爆炸她就会把我杀掉。妈妈第一次这样说。我承认是我的错,我也不知道为什么。。每次都这样。。我就是那么健忘。我想以后,我还是不要弄烧食物好了。

All she knows is go pasir ris farm.. She has never cared for me .. as of how a mother should care for her daughter .. she never did. She's a patient im not. hah. thats what she said. hah! How hilarious is that? I was the one feeling breathless and difficult in breathing with chest pains.. while she was there okay.. while we were waiting for shuttle bus to the supermarket.. She never did once cared for me, when I have difficulty in breathing. This is my mum. She's the big deal. 

making-sweetness Ileana ♥

290911 ` 复杂的一天
Thursday, September 29, 2011 | 10:31 AM

Today at school, something unbelievable happened. Initially when I reached class, I thought it was just our class that we couldn't enter.. when time reached for class to start.. even lecturers couldn't access the labs! omg! http://www.emocutez.com The lecturers were all flustered up because we were supposed to have our online test! In the end, we took up the other labs on the same level that was accessible and shared with other classes to do our tests..

Insomnia once again today that resulted me in a long long nap when I got home from school. http://www.emocutez.com I woke up only at 7pm.. teeheehee! http://www.emocutez.com didn't have much appetite.. 

Watched Episode 1 of a korean drama 《原来是美男子啊》 .. featuring CNBlue as casts! omggg! http://www.emocutez.com Then, I continued with 《阳光天使》 last few episodes..

At the end.. I took quite a few screenshots, because the scenes were just TOO pretty! 

Here was my reaction : " I wanna get married there! "

pretty right ! gosh !  Rainie Yang's hair is so pretty and unique ! The place is just absolutely.. speechless.. aww.. It is said to be in japan.. according to the drama that is! 

I'd die with no regrets if I get to go there or rather, live there. Simple life.. perfect ! http://www.emocutez.com 

making-sweetness Ileana ♥